Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Thanksgiving--I'm Sharing Late!

Later than I ever have. lol I had trouble uploading our pictures onto the computer. Darn technology!
Anyway, our Thanksgiving meal was delicious, of course, and we spent the holiday with my husband's side of the family in Michigan.(Brennan & Aidan at my in-laws, Thanksgiving day)(Brennan enjoying the leaves at his grandparents' house!)

We woke up at home, eating pumpkin spice muffins for breakfast, watching Macy's Parade, and rushing to get ready. Aidan and I had a blast watching parts of the parade together, and Brennan would squeal simply from our excitement. I love having two boys!
Of course, the next day hubby and I got out sans Aidan to do some shopping. You've already read about that productive trip. We put our tree up the Saturday after Thanksgiving, and we've been enjoying it ever since!(Aidan placing a branch in our tree...notice Brennan in the background, too)
(Aidan helping Daddy string the lights on the tree)

I hope it's feeling as magical in your home lately as it is ours. And, of course, I hope it's prayerful, too, during this first week of Advent.


Andrea said...

Fun, Fun! The picture of Aidan with the doll is cute - poor Brennan looks sad. I LOVE the picture with Brennan in the santa hat. He looks like a little doll - seriously, it's so cute! =)

Jennifer said...

Oh, I love the picture of the two of them at the bottom!! I hope that's your Christmas card picture!! I am crazy about your boys, Sharon--Good job with those two!

By the way, it is definitely feeling magical and Christmas-sy around here. All of the neighbors around here seem to love decorating for the holidays so our neighborhood is a little winter wonderland. Landon is just THRILLED about each little detail and it's so much fun experiencing it all with him. What did we ever do without our boys? :o)