Thursday, October 13, 2005

Cardinal: It's not automatic sin to vote for pro-abortion candidate

"A leading expert on church law said Catholics are not necessarily sinning if they vote for a candidate who supports legal abortion."

Gee, we're not sinning if we vote pro-abortion? When we vote pro-abortion, we are KNOWINGLY saying YES to the legalization of killing unborn babies. How is that NOT a sin?
True, there are always other issues, and abortion is not the only issue- but it is a big one. A person's view on the dignity of human life is quite indicative of their other beliefs and practices.

While I may sound out of line, being that I am not a priest, nor do I hold a degree in Theology- I happen to feel this expert on church law is sugar-coating terms to soften anti-life practices. (as he said, "Cardinal Pompedda said the church was right to condemn all forms of abortion, but he said he would not call abortion "murder," because of respect for language.

"Murder refers to man, while here the reference is to the embryo. Law and morality have always distinguished between murder, infanticide and abortion. Should we suddenly erase this distinction?" he said.)

"Soften" our consciences for us so we can feel less guilt.
NO! We need to feel the guilt if we are denying the dignity of human life- which begins at conception.

I feel more inclined to applaud Mexican Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragan.
I quote, " in principle, Catholics should not vote for politicians who support legal abortion."
"One cannot vote for them. It has been said specifically that abortion is something punished by excommunication. Therefore, a Catholic cannot support a politician who presents abortion as a general norm," he told the Rome newspaper La Repubblica."

I mean no disrespect to a priest. At some points in the article, both seem to come to a similar conclusion.
I simply have greater respect for those who stand out to speak the truth- without softening terms- and find that to be quite courageous.

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