Thursday, October 06, 2005

It's flu-shot time...beware

I will add more to this post in the near future.

For now, I would like to mention the flu shot, as well as other vaccines via links, because almost every pharmacy is currently advertising for their flu shots.

I do believe the flu can be very dangerous. I also think it is a good thing to try to prevent it.
However, I do not think that vaccines are always the BEST answer.

I am challenging all of you to be responsible enough to read up on the vaccine before you put them in your body, your children's bodies, or anyone else you care about.
If we research a car before we buy it, or a recipe before we cook it, etc., WHY are we a nation that does not study up on the chemicals and toxins we so willingly inject into oursleves?
MAYBE you will still feel comfortable with your decision after doing some reading.
But there may be some things to be learned which may come of a surprise.
It is a serious matter.

Here is a list of some (but not all) time-worthy resources:

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children's Vaccinations (Paperback)by
Stephanie Cave, Deborah Mitchell (Contributor)

Vaccines:Are They Really Safe and Effective?
By Neil Z. Miller

THE VACCINE GUIDE: Risks and Benefits for Children and Adults by Randall Neustaedter, OMD.

1 comment:

Mrs. F said...

I had the flu shot once. It was offered for free at my work. I have no idea why I got the shot as I never get the flu.

I got the flu that year though. Hmmm, interesting, eh.

I have not had the shot since then (about 8 or 9 years ago) and also have not had the flu since then.