Tuesday, January 16, 2007

You Gonna Watch?

It starts tonight! 8:00 EST.

I haven't always been an Idol fan. I didn't even know of Kelly Clarkson until her first album was out. The only season I really watched in full was the one when Carrie Underwood won. (still like her!)

But seriously, if you don't watch, or never have, you should try to catch some of these audition episodes. They're hilarious! There's no way some of these people can actually believe their talent lies in singing. It's quite entertaining. (along with comments from the judges...*a-hem*, Simon!)

And some of the outfits, or costumes, these contestants where! Surprising what one will do just to get on camera. It's a great laugh.

Mixed with it all, too, (every once in a while), is a person with true talent, whose vocal sounds can give you goosebumps. It's kind of fun.


Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

We're big fans, but I find these audition rounds my LEAST favorite part!!

Greg said...

I haven't watched it yet, although I did Tivo it. I'm also going to Tivo the episode tonight. I've heard from many people that last night's episode was kind of boring. Maybe the episode tonight will be better.

Now I've just got to find time to set aside 4 hours to watch the two episodes!!