Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Kind of Excited

I shouldn't get my hopes up, but I have.
I go today for my weekly OB apt.

I think there's a good possibility I passed the kidney stone(s)!
I can happily say now I haven't had to take any Vicodin since last Tuesday. :) My back isn't hurting in that isolated kidney area, and the bladder spasms have eased up.
I am hopeful!

I know back in January they thought it was passed, too, and it obviously wasn't since I spent a week in the hospital last month. And I know my OB said it's unlikely I'll pass it before I have the baby....but I'm still hopeful. Fingers are crossed. ;)

This would be great. Not being on the pain pills and without a stone in me, they wouldn't have to induce me and I could go into labor naturally, as I wanted. I know some people who loved being induced for planning's sake, but I am not a fan of Pitocin.

I still have some bladder spasms and of course discomforts, but I think that's just a part of being almost 35 weeks pregnant. Plus the baby feels much lower to me, so I would feel things differently internally from that alone, right?

My appointment is at 2:00 this afternoon. Hopeful me will update when I get home.


Michelle said...

Oh goodness! I had kidney stones at 28 weeks during my 2nd pg and I swear it is MORE painful than labor, even induced labor.

I hoped they've successfully passed so you can allow labor to begin naturally- and not be in agony in the meantime!

Sharon said...

Wow. How long did your stone linger? Did they do the soundwave thing to get rid of it?

My dr. truly didn't think I'd pass it at this stage of the pregnancy. The 1st time I went into the hospital for it was around 24 weeks. I thought I was in pre-term labor!
It IS the worst, longest pain I've ever endured. I'm not too intimidated by labor right now! lol