Monday, April 09, 2007

All Moms Go To Heaven

Crazy Hip Blog Mamas presents us with a fun opportunity to win $50 in gift certificates to All Moms Go To Heaven. There are many more than 10 reasons, but here is my top 10. Hope you enjoy!

All Moms Go to Heaven BECAUSE...

1. All of the crap. Literally! The days of potty training are quite trying. And for some reason certain little people tense up with fear when it comes time to drop that load in the actual toilet. Instead they prefer their underwear, (which was JUST cleaned), and their mommy right there with them telling them it's OK. And because we're the mom and we actually understand, we sit there while they poop their pants again, telling them how much we love them and that it's OK.

2. We wear it well. Pretty much everything that comes our way-the endless hugs and kisses, the babies themselves...let's not exclude the oatmeal they had for breakfast, the pasta sauce that was so much fun to fling in the air, even the potty that missed the potty (gross, but you know it's true). The proud mommy smile that says we love the kiddos, even when we're crabby, exhausted, and not in the mood to be the mommy. We wear it well.

3. Being a Superhero! Dads are cool, aunts & uncles, too, but it's the MOM that has this super ability. Your son bangs his head? Trips? Oh he knows, without a doubt, that he can run right to mommy and get this magical kiss that cures it all. INSTANT RECOVERY! Amazing, huh? It's all a part of being that mommy superhero we all become, ready or not. We can cure the boo-boos, take away fear, bring on laughter...we are super.

4. Stretch Marks. It may sound vain, but it's true. No one enjoys the thick purple lines we moms accumulate. They are a humbling reminder of the body we sacrificed for our beautiful babies. They may fade, but they don't usually go away completely. And there are those moments when we are among those who do not know better--sometimes our spouses, a younger niece, or even a friend who has never had a baby--those moments when we see those persons' eyes get big at the sight of those marks. Oh, and I love it, too, when it's followed by "I'll put lotion on every day when I'm pregnant so that doesn't happen to me!". Sure you will. Good luck with that. Keep 'em off!

5. Stemming from above, our constant means of being humbled. Stretch marks are only part of it. As moms, we have endless opportunities to be humbled. Endless. Days we leave the house to go shopping, and it's not until we've gotten back home (hours later) to discover that the child was fully wiped clean of the food he consumed, but we missed spots on ourselves! (from which they put on us, of course...out of love) Us moms will be out & about, so absorbed in our duties as moms, we often don't see the stray hairs that make us look like animals, the shirt that we leaked through in certain areas, the food all over us, the dirt from shoes of little ones we're carrying (nicely marked on our backsides). We are a humbled group of women.

6.You can sleep in heaven. I hope so, anyway. I don't know a mother that lacks the ability to go on little sleep. Actually, I don't know of many moms that sleep much. We have those famous endless nights with newborns, more with the kids when they are sick, overtired, etc. They age a bit and start sleeping through the night, and we start the cycle all over again with baby number two, or three, or...
And even when we have babies sleeping "through the night", we're running around fine tuning the kingdom we call home. Laundry, menu planning, blogging...our work is never done. Who has time for sleep?

7. We're friends with the Man Upstairs. We wouldn't make it a day without prayer! Most frequently it's the desperate pleas of "Oh God, please make him nap", or "Lord, please grant me patience, and grant it now!". (the latter being a frequent prayer of mine). In times of the little ones being sick, we stay up all night with them, praying their way back to health. We talk to God so much, we're friends. Well-acquainted. Where else should we be, if not heaven?

8. Moms are selfless. This one may sound like a no-brainer, but there are people out there who don't have babies yet! Nothing teaches like experience. Every mom I know is in practice of denying herself something for the sake of her children. My exception may be that chocolate bar I need on occasion! Most of the time, we set aside a magazine we'd like so our son or daughter can get that pack of sharpened crayons. Or we put the nice shirt back on the store shelf because, well, those feet on that kid are STILL growing, and new shoes need to be bought. New shoes, new shirts,'s endless. We deny ourselves for their good. And that's how it should be. :)

9. We'd fit in. Yes, we'd fit in in heaven. Think about it. There are brilliant saints up there of all backgrounds: nurses, religious, doctors, philosophers, chefs, politicians, wealthy people and poor people. As a mother, we fill all of those roles at some point or another. We nurse and doctor our babies to good health when sick, we prepare meals (even it lands all over the floor instead), we teach our children how to pray, and lead by example when we cry out "PLEASE GOD! Help him make it to the potty!". We become wealthy in spirit from their love. And by the time they leave the house to live on their own, they have left many of us poor in our wallets & purses.

10. If it weren't for mothers, no one would be in heaven. It's true! Women are the only ones who can give birth. We all know it "takes two" to procreate, but it's the moms who carry and birth those new living beings. So truly, if it weren't for mothers, there'd be no people to go to heaven! Everyone in heaven was born of a mother. It's a blessing and a curse, depending on who you ask. But we are the MOMS. We are unique because we are the ones who can birth a new soul. If not for us, there'd be no one in heaven to keep God company.
He sure knew what He was doing when He planned this all out, huh?


Balancing Act; Jenn said...

Moms do rock don't they? Good luck with the remaining part of the pregnancy. You look great. As you know, it's the first 3-4 months that are tough, but totally worth it. Then things even out. Truly good luck and enjoy!


Balancing Act; Jenn said...

referring to the first 3-4 months after the baby arrives of course....the ENTIRE pregnancy can be rough now can't it? Unless you are one of the 'lucky' ones! :)

Political Season said...

I know you were worried that you wrote longer reasons - but I enjoyed them. I share that sleep rationale with you - I know there has to be sleep waiting for us somewhere.

I appreciate you taking time out to post - God knows there are probably 1324 other things you were thinking about doing. Be healthy.

Mom2Amara said...

Amen to #6! Catching some zzz's would honestly be heavenly!