While I usually enjoyed school, there were, of course, things I did not enjoy. I'm including all grades here.

2. School food. Cafeteria food is just nasty, and mostly unhealthy, too. The college "caf" was the worst!
3. Weekend homework. Weekends are for relaxing and taking a break. No homework!
4. Having to ask permission to go to the bathroom.
5. Speech class. I always got so nervous and hated people watching me give a speech!
6. P.E. I was never very athletic/sports-minded. I was in shape from dancing, but when it came time for sports, I felt so stupid.
7. Quiet hours in the dorm. I thought starting at 11:00 p.m. was a little too early for college.
8. EXAM HOURS in the dorm. Even worse. You couldn't even sneeze without an RA saying something.
9. Going to an out-of-state college, most of my friends lived far away from my home. I hated that. I missed my friends every break!
10. Cliques. Always have, probably always will hate the cliques. High school was the worst, but college offered its share, too.
10 on Tuesday provided by Ten on Tuesday blog.
I hated gym (PE) so dropped it in grade 9!
I loved school so did 10 things I liked about school. Ha!
I played :)
I'm with you on #2, #4, #5 (STILL hate that!) and definitely #6, which was #1 on my list.
Thanks for stopping by my blog today!
I hated cliques and PE, too. I'm so glad to (finally) be an adult. It's easier.
So college? 1. 8am classes
2. 9am classes 3. classes longer than 50 min. 4. community bathrooms
5. sororities 6. uptight professors 7. uptight roommates 8. whole milk 9. research papers (I went BEFORE internet!) 10. TUITION
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