Wednesday, June 02, 2010

His Current Hobby

My not-so-little builder.

Some of his work

Aidan has really gotten into Legos lately, especially the sets like pictured above--they come with directions to build the car 3 different ways. Very cool.

Aidan built the above on his own, using only the directions that came with the Legos.
Pretty cool, if you ask me. ;)
I love that he's into Legos right now, and I admit-I am impressed.

I have the boys take a Quiet Time each day, and we'll be getting some more sets of Legos like this for Aidan. It's perfect for his Quiet Times.

He's fun. Having Aidan for a son is fun.


Hyperactive Lu said...

What a good builder he is!

Amy said...

He and Robbie would get along so well!

竹青 said...
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Andrea said...

That's awesome - Kurt would love to be his friend, he's always wanting someone to build lego's with him. All in time! :)