Saturday, March 19, 2011

One MONTH Old!

I'm behind on blogging, but now it's catch-up time. ;)

Cillian turned a MONTH OLD, already!
Yesterday marked one month for him, and boy did that fly by. It went by much faster during his first month than Aidan's or Brennan's first month.

Cillian woke up like royalty, wanting our queen-sized bed to himself.
He had some tummy-time:

and just had some all-around cuteness to share:
We had his 1-month well visit, and my little chunk-a-cheek went from 6 lbs 12 oz at 6 days old to 9 lbs 5 oz! Go Cillian! He certainly eats well. ;) The doctor said his weight gain was outstanding. That made me happy to hear.
Oh, and dorky-blogging-mom that I am, I took a picture at the appointment:
At 1-month Cillian:
-still messes plenty of diapers
-likes sleeping on me
-loves when Pat wears him in the wrap
-is pretty much on a schedule
-is more alert & loves watching Aidan
-sleeps pretty well in the car when we get Aidan to & from school
-has been to church several times, the library twice, several stores, Michigan once, the mall, and outgrown the "newborn" diapers we have. 

He likes when I wear him, too. The other day it was the ONLY thing that made him happy, so I snatched a picture for his baby book.
Horrible picture of me, but you can see how snug Cillian gets in the wrap. That's the point. ;)

Month ONE was good. Kind of a blur & fast.
 I welcome month two, and the time for Cillian to be more alert & responsive to us. 


Erica Saint said...

Wonderful! He is so cute and you look great!

Bethany said...

Awwww Happy 1 month Cillian :) I need to come see him again. These babies just grow so fast!

Lisa said...

Awesome to see your new blessing! I haven't been on my blogs for a while, but glad I stopped by to meet Cillian.