Saturday, July 05, 2008

4th of July

How did you spend the 4th?

We had a nice day, just the four of us. My husband finally had a full day off again (it was nearly 4 weeks this time since a full day off), and we really just enjoyed staying around our area, enjoying time together as a family.

Because it rained on his birthday, we wound up doing something Pat has been wanting to do for a while now: go on this really nice, long bike path. It was his birthday plan, so I was in no position to say no. ;)

I was skeptical of going, for two main reasons:
1.) I had never done the bike w/ the baby seat, nor had Brennan ever been on a bike ride.
2.) I knew it would be a long ride.

It turned out to be a great time, though. Within 2 minutes I was comfortable biking with Brennan, and he loved it. I had him on the bike with me, and Pat had Aidan in the trailer on his bike.

The weather was perfect. It was actually cool enough for the boys to need long sleeves. The path was so scenic and shaded. All in all, we biked roughly 11 miles. That may be normal for some people, but not me! My bum was sore from the seat. (still is)

Here is some of the scenery we saw on our bike ride: (notice Brennan fell asleep)
After the bike ride, we hit Subway and took the lunch with us to a nearby park, making it a picnic lunch. Aidan thought that was cool. The boys loved playing, acting like they hadn't just been outside for over two hours.

We headed home, assuming our exhausted little men would take decent naps. Ha! Brennan did, but Aidan never fell asleep. (I know. Crazy) At least he settled down and played quietly.

Next we ran to the store to get some things, fed the boys dinner, then sent them off to dreamland.

Fighting our tiredness, Pat and I watched I Am Legend. The movie was different than I expected, but pretty good. (I didn't realize it was another zombie-type movie). We enjoyed it, but I didn't think it was as good as others said. (For the zombie movies, I still think 28 Days Later was best). Will Smith is a great actor, though. And I might add, some decent eye candy, too.

That was our 4th in a nutshell. Last year we went to our first Mud Hens game, and I got a cute picture of the boys together. I'm ending with a comparison. Can you believe how much a year changes kids?

Hope you had a nice holiday as well!


Sue said...

Jeff put together our patio set (I took the chairs out of the box) & we had lunch on the deck. Then Jeff was off to work & i took the kids swimming. Then we met up w/ M & D to try out the new sub shop Lenny's (yum!) & then off to Spartanburg to hunt down a Dairy Queen. Our hunt was successful.

Jennifer said...

Oooh--FUN! Now you've got me thinking "Hmm..I need to move to Ohio!" I haven't gone biking since...well, probably not since middle school--ha ha ha! But it looked like such a fun family thing to do! The boys have changed so much since last year! We miss you!

Andrea @ Momma in Flip Flops2 said...

Oh Sharon. I love these pictures and what you do. It looked so beautiful and looks like so much fun. My hubby has been wanting to bike for so long and we don't even own bikes. This is exactly how you're supposed to celebrate - together as a family. You are so cute by the way! =)