It's also known as Premier Week. Finally! For the couch-potato-in-us, it's an exciting week. DVRs will be kicked into full gear (if you don't have a dvr, get one!). Fall is officially here, and the TV schedule confirms it.
This is what my TV week looks like:
Monday (tonight): Dancing with the Stars!!!
Can't wait. I'm hopeful of the new professionals, and keeping my fingers crossed that Susan Lucci doesn't last too long. Since Pat will be in class tonight, I'm telling Aidan that if he takes a nap, he can stay up to watch it with me. I need a DWTS buddy!
Catch it at 8:00 on ABC.
Tuesday: Law & Order SVU premiers, 10:00 NBC.
Without a Trace also premiers, 10:00 CBS.
Thursday: THE OFFICE!!!! Probably the most anticipated show to return. 9:00 on NBC. (read some spoilers here)
Grey's Anatomy also returns, 9:00 ABC. Double duty for my dvr! These 2 shows rank in my top favorites. You can read Grey's spoilers & see clips here.
I'll probably be posting after some of these premiers to chat about the shows. I'm hoping we're in for some good tv-watchin'!
I find it kind of ironic that it's national stay at home week and they are encouraging people to watch tv-- just saying!
However, I am PSYCHED for The office and Grey's. Unfortunately, no TIVO here, so I think I'll watch Grey's in real time and The Office online later. I know, I know, but Grey's is longer! :)
Thursday can't come soon enough!!!
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