Saturday, August 30, 2008

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

This meme was fitting, so I thought "why not?".
Join in!

Saturday 9: Happy Labor Day Meme
1. What are you doing special this weekend for Labor Day?
Not much. Going to Mass tomorrow at 9:00 a.m., grilling out turkey dogs and enjoying the time relaxing. Blowing bubbles-caught some on clearance for 10 CENTS at Giant Eagle. ;)
We also need to clean and de-clutter.
Monday we'll be doing a family bike ride and picnic.

2. What was your best vacation this past summer?
It's a tie: Going up to northern Michigan where my dh's grandparents' cabin is; Also when my sister and her family came to visit in June.

3. Did you do anything special for the 4th of July?
Similar to Labor Day plans: went for a family bike ride and enjoyed a picnic at a park.

4. What did you do special for Memorial Day?
Went to our city's parade, grilled out, brought out the sandbox, and went to a park.

5. How was the weather? Tell us where you live and how the weather was as compared to summers past.
Too hot and humid! Not enough rain. I'm in the Midwest. It seems that we had more rain in summers past.

6. Did you discover a new favorite summer drink?
Diet Pepsi/Coke. I converted to Diet this summer.

7. Did you enjoy this summer’s Olympics?
Didn't watch the Olympics.

8. I am from New England (Rhode Island). Lobster rules supreme in the summer. Is lobster part of your summer ritual?
No. Grilling out burgers is, though. :)

9. What was the best single day of your summer?
This is a tough one! Probably when we were up north-the day we went to the beach. The four of us were together all day, the kids were great, we were surrounded by beautiful was nearly perfect.

Playing along? Link up at Saturday 9/Crazy Sam's blog!


Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

Let me welcome you to the growing list of us who do Sat-9 every weekend! Your sons are adorable, BYW. Great answers, too. Enjoy the weekend...

Sue said...

I won't remember all of this but what I remember: Labor Day: swimming since it'll be over 90!!! :( (Jeff has to work) New drink: Mojito (kinda like a margarita but less calories (like I care about that!) Vacation: cedar point!!!! Ohio in general, it was fun at your house, too fast!!!! :( I'm soo envious of the person from New England, I still would pick crab over lobster but we too, would grill burgers & dogs. weather: disgustingly HOT & HUMID. best summer day: wow, I don't know. Summer was kinda a sad one; friends moved away,but Haleigh finally riding her bike & swimming in the deep end was pretty great.

Lisa G said...

Sounds like you had a great summer!